maanantai 5. huhtikuuta 2010

Kotka 5.4.2010

Hello Finland! Ja muutkin maailman osaset. Maailman napahan on kuitenkin Suomessa ja kaikki tärkeä tapahtuu täällä, joten ensisijaisesti ”hello Finland”! ;)

Terveisiä Huvipurrentieltä, Kotkan saarelta. Tulin takaisin Suomeen viikko sitten. Asustelen vanhempien luona huhtikuun loppuun asti, jolloin saan Tapanilan asuntoni takaisin. Matkustaminen on ihanaa mutta kiva tulla kotiinkin välillä. Äitiä ja isiä on kiva nähdä, pitkästä aikaa. Kavereitakin ollut himpun ikävä (nähdään pian kun tulen Hkiin!). Ja hei, Ruispalat maistuvat ihan leivältä!!! :)

TIEDÄN, että blogini raahaa tuollaiset parisen kuukautta perässä mutta hoitelen päivitykset kuntoon jahka ehdin. Ei sillä, että olisin järkyttävän kiireinen mutta priorisoin tässä muutamia muita juttuja ensin kunnes uppoudun matkamuisteloihin ja kertomuksiin. Ja niitähän riittää... paree kirjoitella pian muistiin ennen kuin, lukion matematiikan lehtorini Torsti Pennasen sanoin, ”vaipuvat unhon yöhön”. Samaa viisasta miestä lainatakseni ”vetäydyn lähiaikoina kammiooni” ja kerron teille millainen se ihmeellinen Australian manner oikeasti oli ;)

Palailemisiin pian...

keskiviikko 10. helmikuuta 2010

10.2.2010 Richmond, Melbourne

Next day plans: I’m heading to Great Ocean Road on Friday and will be in Adelaide on Sunday. I will travel with French guy called Serge. Met him today, we had a chat and I noticed I could imagine to travel with him and obviously he agreed the same with me... so, we marched to travel agency on Fed Square, rented a car and will hit the road on Friday morning early. Since the car rental was 107AUD + gas we thought to find one more person to travel with us to share the costs. After checking notice board on a popular hostel on Flinders Lane and few phone calls we found a nice Canadian girl called Emma. Had a lunch all together and everything feels good. So, it’s three of us, new car, two good drivers (Serge and Emma) and a scenic route of Great Ocean Road from Melbourne to Adelaide. Fantastic! It feels good to back on the road again.

I could have also taken one of these package trips but GOR - I think it’s bigger value with car share and some nice travel company to get everything out of it. Must beat bus companies and those ridiculously expensive prices they are asking for from poor backpackers.

Today I also met a very first Finnish person in Australia. His name is Kimmo and despite he is very busy with work and everything he was gracious enough to try to solve out my internet connection problem. Connection worked slowly for a while, and computer is a bit faster now but at home –it still doesn’t connect. He did a lot anyway, and I really appreciate it. I think I need to save all the documents and pics from my laptop and re-boot it again (which is a bit bigger thing to do). Will need help in that. Let’s see where I can do that. Yep, but points to Kimmo for very kind help. He is nice person, indeed.

9.2.2010 Richmond, Melbourne

Have I told you my internet connection doesn’t work? I have N O I D E A what sucks in this damn machine. Am a bit pissed off since organising couches, job hunting, fitness class bookings, CS events checking, everything e v e r y t h i n g e v e r y t h i n g seems to happen via internet today. *ngnh, argh* And staying in touch with friends and family of course (the most important ones). Cannot we just return to beginning of 90s when nobody knew of internet, online contacts and staying in touch 24hrs?

My dear mini-HP is in Finnish language and because of that -> my flat mates are unable to help me. The hope awoke today again since posting to Dundernews discussion group and literally begging help on my knees there guess what - got a phone call today from a Finnish guy living and working in IT in Melbourne We’ll meet tomorrow and I hope he has some fresh ideas what to try to fix the problem. I would appreciate another ideas than throwing the laptop from the balcony or using kitchen hammer to make a minced laptop pie...

It was weird to speak Finnish by the way. Haven’t met a single Finn here in Melb. After spending a while abroad you naturally change your thinking language into English. Last Finns were the ones In Deco Backpackers in Queenstown, NZ. Have met one Estonian though. Heaps of English, Irish, Scottish. Lovely girl from Iran, another one from NY and a bunch of Aussies. Who I forgot? French, Germans, Turkies. Oh yeah, some south Americans.

All are great but Aussies are especially great. Pretty laid-back, relaxed, funny. “No worries, mate!” “Noup!” But I’m always a bit worried since I was born in darkness. What a good excuse to explain my serious face. No, nobody haven’t died, this is just me, I’m not always with a big smile on my face. Love to have fun though and even though am not smiling 24hrs a day can have great time.

This country is very multicultural. If you walk in Melbourne streets you see business men, their well-dressed stylish PAs, Greeks, Italians , Chinese, backpackers all over the world ...and I think, all the nationalities. it’s very interesting street life here. I can easily spend hours in coffee shop or restaurant just watching people and wondering their life stories. Last week I noticed I went to coffee shop to write post cards. In 2,5 hrs I did 1,5 cards. Do the math – street life watching is good entertainment here. And way much cheaper than movies for example. Can get a good tan too ;)

I‘m still travelling with my red Björn Borg hand bag, as exploded as it starts to be. Had to put it in hold for a moment since every day someone was asking me if I’m Swedish and where did you get that bag? It must be a cool bag huh since everybody are talking about that. Usually I say nooo I’m not from Sweden and bought it from second hand market in Hellsinki. Which is true. Option two (random one) ; I also might say I’m from Lapland. They have no idea where Lapland is; and then I can explain and they are still a bit confused because people cannot locate Scandinavian countries, not to mention northern parts of Finland on the map... or I’m very bad at describing the location:/ Good fun though if you like free entertainment. On a worse day I just say got it in Finland, I’m not Swedish but like older men. Which is a joke, hope you got it? ;) Next time, I think, I will ask you wanna buy it? Or hey, maybe I could sell it in Facebook to someone “wannabe-Swedish”? If Stefano and Richard manage to buy Vyökatu flat I’m gonna make a big money with my red Björn Borg. Coolio!

Have also noticed that have been writing same things to blog twice ;) Yep, that’s probably what you do when you don’t have 24h connection. You just do the necessary stuff quickly and then log off. Today I checked e-mails on Virgin Active, another very quick check on Penny’s laptop on the afternoon and now – must wait until tomorrow midday and drag my bones to the city. Apple and Mac are not too bad - as soon as you get used to them.

I’m obviously starting a career in real estatements. Since 1.9. have hired Tapanila flat twice, got someone to live on Alppikatu and after Cubitt Street inspection today found a good new tenant to replace me. I love all these places; wouldn’t do it otherwise. I’m so happy that
Alppikatu went to a good friend (feels like it is not totally lost). I lived there for so many years and that place – it is special. Have to move on though. New tenants will love it, I’m sure.
In my Tapanila apartment I‘ve found great people living there. I trust them completely.

Cubitt Street – it didn’t last long but I just loved it here. Time to move on - again. Will miss these guys. Where next - am I hiring wombat hole in outback? Could consider it ;) Me a wombat family, few kangaroos, joyes and platypus diving a natural pool. Would love to have an own horse too. I would call it Hiri.

Sports news of today: did morning pump. Woke up at 5.15 am and was on Bourke street at 6.15, before the sun rise. I know, sounds a bit crazy but I just felt a bit bad after lazying around after weekend, having big bbqs, drinks and so on. Morning was good, it woke me up. Class at 6.30-7.30 am, sauna, swimming, spa – it was good. Returned back to real life. Bring it on!